We believe that Baptism is the way in which individuals become part of the body of Christ — the Church Universal.  The Church Universal is the Ecumenical Church: all Christian congregations and denominations that, although divided, are united in Christ.  This is one of the reasons why baptism is considered the universal sacrament — the ordinance recognized by almost all churches.

At the Congregational Church of Canton, we baptize infants and children as well as adults.  At the end of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus commissioned his disciples to go forth and “baptize all nations.”  He did not just say adults.  “All” is all-encompassing: an act of extravagant welcome, which lies at the heart of Jesus’ message of reconciliation.

Baptisms are performed during Sunday worship services, because vows are made not just by the baptized (or their parents), but by the congregation as well.  We promise to love, support, and care for the one baptized.  The one baptized promises to grow in the Christian faith.  (If an infant is baptized, the parents promise to raise the child in the Christian faith.)  Such growth required a community effort.  We grow in the faith together.  Furthermore, every baptism reminds those in attendance of their own baptism and our unity with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you would like to be baptized, or would like to have your child baptized, please contact our pastor, Dr. John Tamilio III pastor@cc-cantonma.org.