Our confirmation program is a two year program for those in grade eight or higher that focuses on discipleship and articulating faith. The program is based on a written curriculum, as well as additional pieces created by the Director of Education. It combines participation in the life of the church, service projects in conjunction with the youth group, meetings with a mentor, and meetings with the pastor and Director of Education. Through these avenues, we encourage our confirmands to explore their relationship with God.

The relationship with a mentor is an important part of the confirmands journey. We offer a training session for those who are going to be mentors so that they feel prepared for the task. Our program runs from October through May, with the mentors and confirmands setting their own schedules to cover the workbooks. By the end of the program, the confirmand will have completed a brief written statement of their faith. If the confirmand chooses at the end of their journey, they are affirmed in a special service.