Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the Social Room

The course is led by Dr. John Tamilio, III, Pastor and Professor.  We will be studying the upcoming holidays (holy days):  Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas.

November 14   Thanksgiving  –  Luke 17:11-19

November 21  Hope  –  1 Corinthians 15:12-26

November 28  Peace  –  Isaiah 2:1-5

December 5    Joy – Psalm 100

December 12  Love  –  John 15:9-17

December 19  Christmas  –  Luke 2:1-21

Zoom Link: https://salemstate.zoom.us/j/87225155430?pwd=YkFwbDA2Z2p0ZnhnU1VRSDBPTytPQT09